Hello! How would one take ownership of a resource ...
# aws
Hello! How would one take ownership of a resource that was created as as result of another resource created by Pulumi? Specifically, when using a Helm chart resource to install istio-ingressgateway, it creates an ELB that I want to manage with Pulumi. But I don’t know the id of the ELB at creation time, so importing it doesn’t seem to be a good option.
the helm chart likely creates a Kubernetes svc of type
which you can query, which will return the lb name
however, you’re not going to be able to fully manage this unless you create it yourself
what exactly are you trying to do? there are Kubernetes annotations you can specify which will allow you to do most things you want to do with the LB
I’m wanting to apply the right listeners on the LB. So maybe the approach would be to create the LB in Pulumi and then tell the istion-ingressgateway to use that when installed from the chart resource?
that’s an option
I was also thinking of creating a dynamic resource that uses boto3 to get the LB (using depends_on istio-ingressgateway chart resource so I could enforce ordering) and importing it, though I don’t know how well that would work in practice.