I have been playing around a bit with Crosswalk fo...
# getting-started
I have been playing around a bit with Crosswalk for AWS using Python. As far as I can see, there are some example code snippets for multiple languages at the Crosswalk for AWS webpage (https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/crosswalk/aws/), but I could not see an actual API reference for the different classes etc available in Crosswalk. The intellisense experience in VS Code and Pylance left a bit to be desired here, so looked into the Typescript source code in Github to get a better idea of what was available beyond the code examples on the webpage. Is there another place for such docs, or is that the approach to use currently?
I'll add that I've been bit a few times by the docstrings being incorrect. Some of them were copy-pasted from other docstrings without the necessary edits. After that caused trouble for me a few times I started putting less stock in the Pulumi docs, and started relying more on AWS docs. It's slower and more cumbersome, but overall I've been getting stuff done faster now.
API docs: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws/api-docs/
API docs: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/awsx/api-docs/
The linked API docs are generated from the docstrings.
Thank you for links and comments!