Or perhaps I should ask, if you’re not using local...
# general
Or perhaps I should ask, if you’re not using localstack, how do you debug your application code - just deploy to AWS in your feedback loop?
I would say that very few people use localstack. Pulumi's ability for you to unit tests infrastructure, as well as integration test it means most people will use dev accounts and that workflow
do you find that deploying to AWS and running remotely makes it difficult to debug, and causes the feedback loop to take longer than local dev?
not at all, personally. it's certainly a better feedback loop than debugging localstack 😄
🤣 2
haha, I certainly agree with that! This is probably the 4th time in the last couple of years I go to use localstack and end up wasting a day or two trying to get it to work before giving up. If it were worth its salt, it wouldn’t deviate so much from deploying to AWS… sadly just not worth it
Looping in my team member @narrow-pager-85977 here. We are working on a setup with localstack, pact.io & the pulumi automation api to bind it all together.
Thanks Ringo, I ended up moving to SAM for local testing of the lambda function. As a bonus it supports lambda layers for free, and seems to more closely match the cloud environment