Is there any common way of dealing with Github act...
# general
Is there any common way of dealing with Github actions and different environments? E.g. would like a simple way to press a button that will do a
pulumi up
into different environments, so for example: • Merge commit into
, it does a
pulumi up
with the
stack • Changes are working, press a button to use same changes in
Changes are working, press a button to use the changes in...
Sounds like PR + merge in GitHub environment. At least that's how I do it.
The Pulumi team uses GHA pretty extensively for our various stacks in our open source repos in, and we generally follow that workflow of PRs go to dev/staging/qa, and then merge goes to prod. We don't have the kind of gating button like you'd be able to create on Jenkins. However, perhaps you might be able to get what you're looking for with the Automation API?