How can I put an external load balancer in front o...
# google-cloud
How can I put an external load balancer in front of Cloud Run? I see examples for BackendServices, but not serverless NEGs.
I haven’t done it yet but I guess I could try to do it as an exercise if I have some free time in the evening.
Do you have some existing code spinning up Cloud Run part?
For that you should be able to use the Cloud Run Service example.
Ok, I think I got it. gcp.compute.GlobalAddress gcp.compute.ManagedSslCertificate gcp.compute.URLMap gcp.compute.TargetHttpsProxy gcp.compute.GlobalForwardingRule Plus DNS to point to the IP.
Now I just need to figure out how to configure the URLMap to send static traffic to a bucket and API traffic to Cloud Run.
@aloof-leather-66267 I see you managed to figure it out. Do you still need some help with this? 🙂
Nope, I'm good. Thank you.