Hi everyone! How do you provision node-groups in E...
# kubernetes
Hi everyone! How do you provision node-groups in EKS? I’ve tried to do same as noted in EKS Crosswalk, but have infinity preview state until I’ll remove NodeGroup opts (with provider settings). But then I’ll have problem with broken assume_role_policy as showed on screen (again, I’m still using example from link above). Then I’ll use my one custom assume_role_policy (see second screen), but after it provides EKS I’m getting error with Stack (third screen) I’m really need custom node-groups… How can I do that? Thanks! :)
I'm using managed node groups, but here is an example for node group https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/blob/master/examples/nodegroup/index.ts
@rhythmic-whale-48997 what is managed node groups? Are you talking about https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws/api-docs/eks/nodegroup/?