Is there a way to prevent NodeGroup to create EC2 ...
# aws
Is there a way to prevent NodeGroup to create EC2 instances with public ip? I'm creating a new NodeGroup, and my EC2 instances have public ip and public dns. If I create ManagedNodeGroup, then EC2 are private
you'd need to create the nodes in a private subnet, what code do you have?
So, this is the code for creating the NodeGroup
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const example-ng = new eks.NodeGroup("example-ng", {
    cluster: cluster,
    instanceType: "t2.medium",
    desiredCapacity: 1,
    minSize: 1,
    maxSize: 3,
    instanceProfile: instanceProfile,
    keyName: deployer.keyName,
    nodeUserData: cloudConfig.then((c) => c.rendered)
And my cluster has
set to
pulumi-eks source code should default set subnet ids from the
You need to set the subnet ids:
pulumi-eks source code should default set subnet ids from the cluster.privateSubnetIds
Are you saying you expected the nodes to just automatically be in the right subnet?
Are you saying you expected the nodes to just automatically be in the right subnet?
No, I'm saying that from pulumi-eks source code, NodeGroup should inherit subnet ids from the cluster Also, if I set subnet ids, like this, I would expect that my EC2 instances have only private IPv4 address, but they get public IPv4 address also
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const example-ng = new eks.NodeGroup("example-ng", {
    cluster: cluster,
    instanceType: "t2.medium",
    desiredCapacity: 1,
    minSize: 1,
    maxSize: 3,
    instanceProfile: instanceProfile,
    keyName: deployer.keyName,
    nodeUserData: cloudConfig.then((c) => c.rendered),
    nodeSubnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds
EC2 from NodeGroup with public address.
If I create ManagedNodeGroup, EC2 instances don't have public address
And just for the record, this is EC2 created with ManagedNodeGroup Here is sample code for that
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const mng = eks.createManagedNodeGroup("example-managed-ng", {
    cluster: cluster,
    nodeGroupName: "aws-managed-ng",
    nodeRoleArn: role.arn,
    remoteAccess: {
        ec2SshKey: deployer.keyName
    scalingConfig: {
        desiredSize: 1,
        minSize: 1,
        maxSize: 3,
    subnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
    diskSize: 50,
    instanceTypes: ["c4.4xlarge"],
    labels: {"ondemand": "true"},
}, cluster);
oh sorry, I see now. I'll double check
👍 1
@billowy-army-68599 did you get the change to check this? 🙂
I didn't I'm afraid, will try again today
🙌 1
@billowy-army-68599 pinging again, I know that I'm boring 🙂
hey sorry, unfortunately I've been sidetracked by other customer requests, could you please open an issue on the pulumi-eks repo
@polite-napkin-90098 i need to check this, if this also fails I will open an issue 🙂
👍 1
Same result, I will open an issue today