Hello everyone, I have run into a weird issue. I a...
# aws
Hello everyone, I have run into a weird issue. I am creating a EKS cluster which works fine, but on destroy pulumi tries to delete the security groups created for the node groups which fails because there is a network interface attached to it. I am guessing this network interface is attached by AWS/EKS when I bring up a loadbalancer and hence pulumi does not know about it which cause the destroy to fail. I have to manually go and delete the network interface, so the the destroy can proceed with deleting the security group and everything after that. Does anyone know about this?
how are you creating the LoadBalancer? are you deploying something like an ingress controller?
creating the loadbalancer by installing AWS ALB controller and then creating an ingress of class
you'll need to delete that first
before deleting the cluster
I am deleting loadbalancer first which does get deleted without any issue. Its the eks node group’s security group which somehow has a dangling network interface that does not get deleted
@nice-pharmacist-5320 you need to also delete any ingresses you create, and wait for the finalizer to finish, it's a "design feature" of the aws alb controller
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