Hi all. Does anyone know whether the pulumi have c...
# getting-started
Hi all. Does anyone know whether the pulumi have command that only run specific resource? suppose I have code pulumi that all infrastructure resource on that, but I just one to run the specific resource like security group. thanks before
Sounds like
Copy code
-t, --target stringArray                    Specify a single resource URN to update. Other resources will not be updated. Multiple resources can be specified using --target urn1 --target urn2. Wildcards (*, **) are also supported
thanks @echoing-dinner-19531, but I though --target just run or update only resource that already run/up before. How about run group of resource like group of security group, is there any option like tags in pulumi? or are there any doc/blog/video that explain how to organize pulumi code in dynamic infrastructure. thank you
We don't have tags. We do plan on making it so target will work for new resources as well (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/8956). I think the general approach is if you have dynamic infrastructure you split it into different projects and use stack references to tie it all together.
oh okay, thank you for your information @echoing-dinner-19531