```pulumi login <https://app.pulumi.com/georgeport...
# getting-started
Copy code
pulumi login <https://app.pulumi.com/georgeportillo>                                                                                                                                                                   ──(Fri,Apr15)─┘
Manage your Pulumi stacks by logging in.
Run `pulumi login --help` for alternative login options.
Enter your access token:
error: problem logging in: getting user info from <https://app.pulumi.com/georgeportillo>: unmarshalling response object: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value
I can repro this as well — will get an issue filed for it. Let us know if @brainy-church-78120’s suggestion works for you — that should capture and apply the access token automatically.
@brainy-church-78120 once this is fixed, how do I upgrade pulumi?
ah, you dont need to wait for this to be fixed, you can login right now, by using
pulumi login
without the app.pulumi part
you can upgrade with
brew upgrade pulumi
though; or see https://pulumi.com/docs/reference/install/ for other methods
@bitter-army-70832 were you able to get logged in?