Hello, whats the currently recommended way to use ...
# getting-started
Hello, whats the currently recommended way to use existing ServiceCatalog/Cloudformation templates with pulumi and python? What i have tried so far: 1. The template converter (https://www.pulumi.com/cf2pulumi/) but that leads to a bug https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws-native/issues/429 2. Importing (for example) IAM users with “pulumi import awsiam/userUser…” but the resulting code is missing properties that are present/configurable in my existing template So how would i best go about using an existing IAMUser template, import it into pulumi and pass in the required variables to create different IAM users?
Importing (for example) IAM users with “pulumi import awsiam/userUser…” but the resulting code is missing properties that are present/configurable in my existing template
That would be an import bug, if you can raise an issue at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws with a repro for this we could take a look. "import" should codegen for all non-default properties.
In the IAMUser template there are 3 variables and a tag, all of them are set when deployed using sceptre. here is there parameters snippet from the existing template
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    Type: String
    Description: A name for the IAM user.
    Type: String
    Description: A stringified...
    Default: '{"S3BucketName":"s3name"}'
    Type: String
    Description: A policy name.
    Type: String
    Description: (Optional) Description...
    Default: "NONE"
When importing the existing IAMUser using pulumi
Copy code
$ pulumi import aws:iam/user:User user-storage-ro user-storage-ro
this is all the code generated
Copy code
user_storage_ro = aws.iam.User(
Does that look like a bug that should be reported or am i doing sth wrong / missing sth?
Yeh that looks like a bug
OK, i will report, np.
Got any input on using existing templates with pulumi? 🙂
No sorry, the recommendation is normally use import but if this resources is bugging out right now that makes things a bit hard.
Ok, thx. let me report the bug… 🙂
🙏 1
if you need more info or want me to test sth, please let me know
Thanks that should be enough to look into it