Hi Pulumi peeps We are trying to use the tf2pulumi...
# getting-started
Hi Pulumi peeps We are trying to use the tf2pulumi plugin to migrate our terraform into a pulumi project. When we run 'pulumi plugin install resource azurerm' we are getting the error: pulumi plugin install resource azurerm [resource plugin azurerm-1.60.0] installing error: [resource plugin azurerm-1.60.0] downloading from : 403 HTTP error fetching plugin from https://get.pulumi.com/releases/plugins/pulumi-resource-azurerm-v1.60.0-darwin-amd64.tar.gz I have logged in using pulumi login with an access token from the portal. We had no issue using the google plugin 'pulumi plugin install resource google' Are you able to point me in the right direction?
I think azurerm was the old name for what is now called "azure-native", can you try
pulumi plugin install resource azure-native
curious, where did you find the azurerm name?
Hi @echoing-dinner-19531 & @brainy-church-78120 We used 'azurerm' from the terraform documentation https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/azure-build?in=terraform/azure-get-started Does the pulumi to terraform not support the azurerm provider? If not is it easy to move across to using the azure-native provider to then use the tf2pulumi tool?
You've run tf2pulumi on your terraform code?
@echoing-dinner-19531 we have been trying use the tf2pulumi tool on our azure terraform stack but we are getting this azurerm provider error
What do you recommend we try given the error? Does the tf2pulumi tool support the azurerm provider?
What error exactly is tf2pulumit giving?
@echoing-dinner-19531 tf2pulumi --target-language python Warning: default provider configuration is not supported on main.tf line 0: (source code not available) Error: unknown package 'azurerm' on main.tf.pp line 0: 1: resource platforms "pulumiprovidersazurerm" { unknown package 'azurerm'
I think this should work. I'll ping this internally see if anyones got ideas of whats up
ok thank you
maps to
(the bridged provider), not
(the native provider). It's also one of the few exceptions to our naming scheme for bridged providers FWIW.