Hello i am having trouble with config secrets. I c...
# getting-started
Hello i am having trouble with config secrets. I configured a secret with a key and im trying to use the value in my code. I looked at the doc and to use pulumi.Config().require_secret(<key>) and i made sure the key and value are there with the cli with pulumi config get command but when i run my code i get and error that the program run without the pulumi engine available
You need to run your program with
pulumi up
. The engine starts the program, not the other way round.
im sorry im new to this, im not sure what you mean by running it with pulumi up because when i tried to before nothing responded
Do you have the
program installed? Can you run
pulumi version
from your command line?
Ok so in your directory with the pulumi program you should have a Pulumi.yaml file that looks something like:
Copy code
name: aws-cs-eks
runtime: dotnet
description: An <http://ASP.NET|ASP.NET> application running a simple container in a EKS Cluster
(Thats just a random one I grabbed from our examples)
yes i noticed that
so then running
pulumi up
in that directory should invoke the pulumi engine to run your program and should give you some sort of output even if its just that there's nothing to do.