Hi, I am trying to create a Kubernetes namespace i...
# getting-started
Hi, I am trying to create a Kubernetes namespace in Python code but can't seem to find a way to get pulumi to actually use the namespace name I would like rather then the generated name. This is important as the namespace must be exactly "snyk-monitor" and not "snyk-monitor-randomdata". My code is as follows how can I change this so that the K8s namepsace created in the cluster is actually "snyk-monitor" itself
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monitor_namespace = Namespace (resource_name='snyk-monitor')
you have to place that under
(gimme me a sec)
Yeah are you able to provide an example as I can see that in the docs but can't figure out the syntax. I am not a python developer unfortunately
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import pulumi_kubernetes as pulumi_k8s

monitor_namespace = pulumi_k8s.core.v1.Namespace(
you can put simple dict instead of
but I like my things “strongly typed” wherever possible 🙂
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monitor_namespace = pulumi_k8s.core.v1.Namespace(
    "name": "snyk-monitor",
If you wonder why I don’t have
as in your example, that’s because it’s the first argument in all pulumi resources so you can pass it as positional argument (first one) or as key-value as you did.
👍 1
Yep I just had the syntax wrong. Thanks so much @prehistoric-activity-61023 it's clear now it will work for me
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+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (create)
    + kubernetes:core/v1:Namespace: (create)
        apiVersion: "v1"
        kind      : "Namespace"
        metadata  : {
            labels: {
                <http://app.kubernetes.io/managed-by|app.kubernetes.io/managed-by>: "pulumi"
            name  : "snyk-monitor"
🙌 1