Hi, is Pulumi only a provisioning tool (e.g. creat...
# getting-started
Hi, is Pulumi only a provisioning tool (e.g. create a new aws instance with this cloud-init config) or can it also be used as configuration management (e.g. ensure that this folder and file exists, start this systemd unit if not running, etc...)? I can only find examples for the first.
we are not a configuration management tool, but work well with tools like Puppet or Ansible
so really, the former
Hmm, that's a pity. I work with Ansible daily, but I was looking for a replacement in pure Go... thanks for your answer anyway. I will keep this project in mind 🙂
Not quite Ansible level configuration but at least equivalent to
ansible run
: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/command This is more of an empirical vs deterministic model though and should be used with care.