This might be a little bit out of scope, but has a...
# getting-started
This might be a little bit out of scope, but has anyone here had to deal with single tenant architecture using Pulumi & Kubernetes? Currently trying to figure out the best approach to handle continous delivery/continous deployments for hundreds of tenants. Each tenant has a Pulumi stack with a virtual kubernetes cluster and an almost identical environment, that can be created on demand. Codefresh (Argo CD) seems to be a good choice because of pricing, Argo Application Set and Argo Rollout, but having to render Kubernetes manifests to YAML and commit them for GitOps to work is cumbersome. I've had a look at Harness, CodeDeploy, Armory & Octopus Deploy as alternatives, but they're way too expensive. Any pointers perhaps? šŸ˜
Interesting you say baking the manifests to YAML for ArgoCD is cumbersome since GitOps is the direction we are slowly taking. There are some pros and cons. I do know Pulumi lets you just render the YAML for this purpose. It's a workflow that we may end up going with since we started using ArgoCD with helmfile (currently). However, I've used the Pulumi k8s provider before and it works great as a way to abstract away the gotemplate and do last-mile transforms.
Iā€™d like to discuss this too - we have ephemeral aks environments, with a ā€œprojectā€ stack to set up the main RG/Storage/Loganalytics and then developers start up as many stacks (aks clusters) as they want - which make use of the aforementioned bits. Devs are simply working with az cli + pulumi directly. We donā€™t yet have the per-dev environments checked into source control + pipelined.
@damp-honey-93158 have you considered using something like It's great for dev/ephemeral environments.
As for my problem; I intend to try to solve it with the new Deployments API, Unleash, Keptn & Flagger for progressive continuous delivery/deployment.
@curved-application-45650 I haven't looked at this - mostly because I was trying to build a pulumi/stack based system that replicates production for use in dev - and secondly because I didn't know it existed šŸ™‚ Thanks for the tip though!