I'm creating an ECR repository and I'd like to pus...
# aws
I'm creating an ECR repository and I'd like to push an image to it on creation but not after. Use case is so task definitions have an image to pull but once its created I don't want it to push an image every time I run
. How would I go about adding that conditional?
Sounds like you want two images, one for the task definitions and one for everything?
Not sure I follow this... are you suggesting an empty image just for task definition initialization?
Showing my ignorance here.. I had thought the task definitions were in the image. Generally, running
won't deploy an image unless something that the image depends on has changed. Is there something changing that you want to ignore when deciding whether or not to create a new image?
ultimately i don't want changes to my infrastructure to trigger a deployment of code. the only exception to this is when first creating a resource or stack. some of the issues of always updating the image I found are documented bugs in Pulumi - where not explicitly stating the defaults even if you aren't changing the defaults causes an update of the image, adding a bunch of the defaults made that go away but that doesn't feel very robust. I'd prefer to be able to add a test conditional preventing the image check at all.
Sounds like you want separate projects then. Generally, I think projects are defined by the cadence you want to release changes, and stacks are the locations you want to release them to. Since you have two cadences here (infra to support app, vs. app to put in infra), then I think you want two projects.
👍 1
this sounds more like what i want... i think i have a disconnect between how those two concepts connect I'll have to look into more. thanks for the help!