I'm converting some AWS CDK code to Pulumi. One o...
# aws
I'm converting some AWS CDK code to Pulumi. One of the things I do is conditionally modify the environment variables for a Lambda, like so:
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node.addEnvironment('ENDPOINT_API', `https://${loadbalancerDomain}/api`);
What's the equivalent in Pulumi ? The
object is an instance of a Lambda Function
i do something like this too, i basically create a dictionary of my environment variables, and then pass them in to my lambda like this:
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environment: {
        variables: {
         SHARED_VAR_1: value1,
         SHARED_VAR_2: value2,
The issue with that is that there's lots of logic that's grouped together, some of which depends on the Lambda Function object being instantiated -- so I would need to split the code within the conditional block up, which is inelegant because I'm repeating the condition