hey all, does anyone know how to property migrate ...
# getting-started
hey all, does anyone know how to property migrate resources if provider are changing? Let's say we have provider A that does XYZ, But there is alternative provider B that does XYZ asl well. From the pulumi stand point resources provisioned by those providers are different where in fact they are not. Any suggestions?
Here's my OTT but zero-redeploy technique: 1. Put the new provider in. Associate it with something new and run
pulumi up
, so that it's in your state and used. 2. Export your state. 3. Make a backup of your state file. 4. Review your state file to figure out what replace expression you can use to replace all uses of A with B, without changing the definition of A. 5. Import your state. 6. Run
pulumi up
to verify there are no changes.
Pulumi aliases allow you to alias the urn as well as the type token too (along with many other parameters.) Or you could go the route @little-cartoon-10569 suggests as well. https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/resources/options/aliases/
O nice....
Do aliases help when changing the provider? The provider is not in the URN, it's a hidden property of the resource...
I am also looking into transformation... That may be useful...
Yes, hadn't thought of that, transformations can change opts..
hm ... yeah .... That would be awesome If I cloud say pulumi that reassures A is Alias of the resource B and how to transform from A to B.
Should be possible. Let us know how it goes!
Do aliases help when changing the provider? The provider is not in the URN, it's a hidden property of the resource...
Ah good point. They don't. Provider resources are referenced by URN in a property called
for each non-provider resource, so those will need to be searched/replaced in the checkpoint. Also I wonder if there is some provider trickery that is possible here. For example, define an explicit provider with provider B, and specify aliases + the explicit
option in the
. This may be cumbersome and perhaps not practical depending on how large the project is.