Hello everyone. I would like to understand better ...
# getting-started
Hello everyone. I would like to understand better about pulumi billing. What is "managing one resource"? Would it be the deploy operation or 24h/7 days in a production scenario?
When you define a resource in your pulumi program and run it, that gets added to the "stack" and counts as a managed resource. It will continue to be counted until you delete it. No matter how many updates you make to the object in the meantime, that doesn't affect the billing.
As an AWS example, you can search for all of your "things" in the tag editor:
Are policies counted as a resource?
That gives you a number, and if you were managing all of those things with Pulumi, and the number stays constant through the month, you can take that and multiply it by the number of hours in a month to get the pulumi credit usage
If you manage it with Pulumi, yes.
realistically there are a bunch of things that AWS creates automatically and you're not going to want to try to track in IaC, and so those you want to filter out of your estimates.
To provide an example, I'm currently working on an ECS cluster. There's a cluster, of course. But then there's a bunch of other stuff as well, each one resource:
Does that help?