Has anyone overcome the size limit of lambda layer...
# aws
Has anyone overcome the size limit of lambda layers by chunking dependencies across layers? It looks like I need to do either that, or succumb to using a container runtime.
Deployment package (.zip file archive) size
50 MB (zipped, for direct upload)
250 MB (unzipped)
This quota applies to all the files you upload, including layers and custom runtimes.
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-limits.html I suppose this actually means total across all files uploaded and used by the lambda function
I never had more fun than hunting through my dependencies looking for those 6Mb packages that can be replaced by one homebrewed 4-line function.
Yeah, unfortunately it doesn't look like an option for this "microservice" Went with the container runtime as a solution.