Hello! it's been a while since I used pulumi and I...
# aws
Hello! it's been a while since I used pulumi and I'm just starting a new project. Is
pulumi logs
expected to work with Crosswalk (awsx) out of the box?
This post is from 2019 when I last tried it out https://www.pulumi.com/blog/unified-logs-with-pulumi-logs/
This is what I see when I try running it locally
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$ pulumi -v 10 logs
Please choose a stack: dev
Collecting logs for stack dev since 2022-06-27T15:03:47.000-04:00.

error: failed to get logs: 28 errors occurred:
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
	* no AWS region found
I'm logged in to pulumi and running this locally
this is all that's in the stack (and i've successfully run
pulumi up
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const api = new awsx.apigateway.API('myapi', {
  routes: [
      path: '/api/v1',
      method: 'GET',
      eventHandler: async () => {
        return {
          statusCode: 200,
          body: '<h1>Hello world!</h1>',
      authorizers: [
          queryParameters: ['auth'],
          handler: async (event: awsx.apigateway.AuthorizerEvent) => {
            // Add your own custom authorization logic here.
            // Access the headers using event.headers, the query parameters using
            // event.queryStringParameters or path parameters using event.pathParameters
            return awsx.apigateway.authorizerResponse(
have you set an aws region in your aws profile?
i'll double check but i at least exported AWS_REGION=us-east-1
in that shell
no difference if i set region = us-east-1 in my aws credentials file
I verified i can see the cloudwatch log groups etc. in the aws console
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$ pulumi version
on mac os catalina
What is the provider set up to use? If you're using a profile in the provider, then the env var won't be used. If you're using the default provider, then it will.
you mean in my Pulumi.yml?
No, in the provider object you're passing into the various resource constructors.
the code is above, i'm pretty sure I'm using the defaults
it was deployed via github actions which passed the aws region into the github action
ok i had to
pulumi config set aws:region us-east-1
Good. That is the preferred way to set the region on the default AWS provider.
That's what i get for running it on github before locally haha. Thanks!
👍 1