has anyone successfully added their own user assig...
# azure
has anyone successfully added their own user assigned managed identity to an AKS cluster, if so - how'd you go about it? I figured it might be the "IdentityProfile" property of the ManagedCluster object - but I'm not sure what to populate that with. I've got the object and client ID of the UserAssignedManagedIdentity - just don't know where to inject/throw it 🙂
👍 1
Is there a reason why the ARM templates are so wonky for these user assigned managed identities? I checked out the ARM template and yes the API matches the ARM template but why does the template have this wonky K/V entry for this config?
🤷 that I don’t know. I think they tried to mimic the output data structure that does return some data per each item in the map. But no data was needed in the input side, so they just kept a map of keys with no values.
well that's just rude
Trying it now - thanks so much for the hint - I'd never have come up with that... magic... on my own 🙂
Would I have to give the user assigned identity Network Contributor access myself to the underlying VM network that gets created? That was mentioned somewhere in the docs...
I've been at this for a day or so now - and I'm not progressing so well. I've applied my user assigned managed identity into the dictionary, the pulumi up runs - but the scale set doesn't associate with the identity. No error being thrown either. My approach has been to pass in the full ID of the managed identity (/subscriptions/xxxx/.../providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/<name>).
Copy code
var identityArgsValue = new ManagedClusterIdentityArgs()
    Type = ResourceIdentityType.SystemAssigned

if (userAssignedManagedIdent != null)
    identityArgsValue = new ManagedClusterIdentityArgs()
        Type = ResourceIdentityType.UserAssigned,
        UserAssignedIdentities = userAssignedManagedIdent.Apply(id =>
            var im = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                    id, new Dictionary<string, object>()

            return im;
Any ideas why this wouldn't take?
For anyone interested in the future - I succeeded with this
TY. I was on the struggle bus on this and found your example here.