Good morning Pulumiers! I get the following type ...
# azure
Good morning Pulumiers! I get the following type of error message when creating some role assignments - it doesn't always happen - lets say 10% of the time - has anyone else faced this and found a decent solution? azure-nativeauthorizationRoleAssignment role-assignment-IntTtlkjRG-sub-reader creating error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=400 Code="PrincipalNotFound" Message="Principal 674703a701db4af69e55e63efb7dfdfb does not exist in the directory 2a2d14a0-3c63-4c0a-ae25-b3145783fcbc. Check that you have the correct principal ID. If you are creating this principal and then immediately assigning a role, this error might be related to a replication delay. In this case, set the role assignment principalType property to a value, such as ServicePrincipal, User, or Group. See"