i have a CI system in gitlab and all our repos use...
# dotnet
i have a CI system in gitlab and all our repos use the same CI config in a central repo. My current problem in one of them is this error which may be a red herring but I’m not sure. ENVVAR are set for clientid, client secret, tenantid and subscription id. the verbose logs don’t show anything that i can see. any ideas what’s causing this?
azure-native:web:AppServicePlan Staging-homepage-appplan  error: building auth config: obtain subscription() from Azure CLI: Error parsing json result from the Azure CLI: Error waiting for the Azure CLI: exit status 1
Might try asking in #azure rather than here. Doubt there’s anything dotnet specific about that.
i did, tumbleweed 🙂
Oh sad panda I’m not in that channel I’ll pop over and post the link to see if anyone on our azure team has any ideas.