Hi :wave: Quick question from a beginner pulumi us...
# java
Hi 👋 Quick question from a beginner pulumi user. I'm currently evaluating pulumi as an alternative to terraform for a few use cases and writing a small POC in Java (our main language). Is there a way to use pulumi java with providers which are currently not packaged as maven artifacts? for example, the rancher2 provider? Any guidance would be much appreciated, thanks!
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When I was working on development there were scripts to build SDKs from source in the pulumi Java repository. AFK atm, but thought I'd leave this link here and maybe you might be able to hack on the AWS provider to get the rancher2 one working using the makefile. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-java/tree/main/providers/pulumi-aws
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I'll take a look. Cheers!
Hi @dry-engine-56205 thanks for reaching out. Covering all providers is on our roadmap for the GA, we'll try to make it happen as soon as possible
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as @mammoth-salesclerk-61945 have pointed out, it might be possible to generate the provider but it might not be easy, or you might discover a bug in the codegen
Thanks @brave-dawn-64711! Yeah, I figured as much. Not very urgent as I can run most of my tests with the main providers (gcp and k8s). Will the GA also include support for the automation api?
yes, automation api is on the roadmap :)
I'll try to "hack" something in the meantime. Since that's our main use case (to use from a service and not CLI)
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this being said, being able to share our own pulumi java modules (with components) is already better than terraform modules since it integrates nicely with our tooling
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Hi @dry-engine-56205 there is a provider published https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.pulumi/rancher2 haven't used it yet, but it's a start
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great, thank you!