Hi folks, I am trying to get something done with P...
# getting-started
Hi folks, I am trying to get something done with Pulumi and I’m not even sure it’s possible after checking all examples. Basically, what I need to achieve is the following: 1. create some resources 2. (do some other testing with python) 3. modify those resources 4. (do some other testing) 5. and so forth 6. finally, destroy the thing. I figured the automation API is the way to go, but it insists on receiving a static program rather than (what I would have liked to) an ‘open-ended’ stack that will get updated as I modify objects.
Automation api would be the way to go. You should be able to feed config into the program to change what the program does each time.
I’m trying to do this as wieldy as possible and it’s not fun working like that. I could use control logic (e.g. if step == this_step:) or try to instantiate resources from a global variable (having some issues with that), but both have annoying limitations
I think automation api should be fine with global variables for inline programs. They do just run in the same process space.
I have failed to instantiate resources from a global array or dict. If you could help me with that, that would be wonderful
Can you run a simple version of the program just making one resource?
yeah, that works. also control logic works. it’s just so unwieldy to write programs like that. I wish I could just declare resources as I go and have pulumi do the right thing
instead of writing something like: res = resource stack.up res2 = resource2 stack.up I need to write something like: def program res = resource if flag = 2: res2 = resource2 stack.up flag = 2 stack.up
if I could write something like this (note, this doesn’t work), it would also be fine: def program: locals().update(resource_dictionary) resource_dictionary[“res”] = resource stack.up resource_dictionary[“res2"] = resource2 stack.up
you could kinda do that if it's the same resources each time, something like: resArgs = args1 stack.up resArgs = args2 stack.up and just have the program be something like: def program(): res = Resource("name", args=resArgs)
but I want to keep the previous resources
that’s why I wanted the dictionary
I mean in general you can do something like: d = {} d["name] = (Resource, ResourceArgs(...)) def program(): for key in d: ctor, args = d[key] ctor(key, args=args)
okay! that seems like the syntax I was missing. going to give that a shot
nope, not working. can you maybe give me a concretization with something simple like an aws s3 bucket? maybe i’m not picking up the invocation syntax
Copy code
from pulumi_aws import s3

d = {}
d["test"] = (s3.Bucket, s3.BucketArgs(tags={"myTag": "example"}))

for key in d:
    ctor, args = d[key]
    ctor(key, args)
okay! I was off on the argument types. gotcha 🙂
wonderful. thank you oh so much.