hi again, how do I find the versions of terraform ...
# general
hi again, how do I find the versions of terraform providers embedded inside pulumi, and can I upgrade them manually?
There are no embedded Terraform providers. They are bridged: their APIs are transpiled into Pulumi APIs.
The source version can be found in the dependencies of the Pulumu packages.
I’m gonna pretend like I know what that means for a minute hehe 😉 I’m looking for some functionality in
v4.41.1 - is there any way to manually bring this into my copy of pulumi? I installed via homebrew on mac, thanks 🙏
I think you'd have to build it yourself if it's not there already. There are docs how to do it, but I can't remember where. However, the AWS provider is kept up to date, probably lagging behind by only a few hours?
However, the shim's dependencies list this:
github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws v1.60.1-0.20220923175450-ca71523cdc36
Has the versioning changed? That's not close to 4.41...
thank you, I’ll keep digging. I am looking for this pull request: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/pull/27965 so that I may upgrade my kinesis analytics app to Flink v1.15
the error I am seeing is this:
Copy code
expected runtime_environment to be one of [SQL-1_0 FLINK-1_6 FLINK-1_8 ZEPPELIN-FLINK-1_0 FLINK-1_11 FLINK-1_13 ZEPPELIN-FLINK-2_0], got FLINK-1_15. Examine values at 'Application.RuntimeEnvironment'.
Looks like that version number is something different. Latest in-use is 4.38: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/pull/2215
oh actually I think I can probably just create it manually in the AWS web console for now, until the enum is updated - thanks tenwit 🙂 always appreciate your help!
And there are issues open for upgrading, you could follow this: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/2228
oh neat, ok I’ll follow along there 🙂 thanks again!!