Hi all, have the processes that pull in upstream t...
# getting-started
Hi all, have the processes that pull in upstream terraform provider changes stopped working? I am hoping to use a couple of new features, e.g. 1.
runtimeEnvironment: 'FLINK-1_15'
runtime: 'nodejs18.x'
In a few things I’ve read it’s mentioned that the process to pull in upstream changes is automated and usually brings in the latest updates within a couple of hours although there hasn’t been much movement in the CLI or Nodejs packages. is it possibly due to the launch of many new features at reinvent?
Hi @icy-controller-6092, The PR for the aws provider (classic) is ready to get merged: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/pull/2235 Same is for the aws-native provider -> https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws-native/pull/715 FYI @melodic-tomato-39005