pulumi usually hangs on `read pulumi:pulumi:StackR...
# pulumi-cloud
pulumi usually hangs on
read pulumi:pulumi:StackReference
- is it a known issue with the pulumi service? would it be better to use a different backend?
HI Omer, I did not experience this tbh. Is it always?
it’s quite common - see here it took over a minute to read inputs before starting to handle resource changes https://app.pulumi.com/descope/descope-apps/dev/updates/1293
Sorry, can't see your orga. Maybe a screenshot via DM?
HI @white-chef-55657. can you provide us with traces so we can have a deeper look into it? Thanks 🙂 https://www.pulumi.com/docs/support/troubleshooting/#tracing
absolutely, should I send to the support email? /cc: @brave-planet-10645
it’s 14MB - perhaps I should share it over DM ?