Hi, I’m newbie, so sorry for some of the more pede...
# getting-started
Hi, I’m newbie, so sorry for some of the more pedestrian questions. I’ve been looking and trying to find if it is possible to have Pulumi run python and yaml in the same stack? If anybody could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.
I think stacks are language specific mate, thats my interpretation anyway. so you'd need 2 separate stacks i think
Multiple languages in the same project is not possible AFAIK. You can split it up in multiple Pulumi projects though, with directory for each (Pulumi) project in your repository. What is the use case you want to address?
Sorry yeah I meant projects!
Thanks Erik
One team is deploying the network components, and they would like to use yaml. Another team is deploying infrastructure, and they prefer using python. Right now those are separate groups deploying to the same Azure subscription, resource groups, etc., but with different stacks and projects
hi @colossal-dusk-22897, There are no pedestrian questions! Keep asking and ask much! But I saw that @quaint-hydrogen-7228 and @victorious-church-57397 answered perfectly! 🙂
Thanks, and thanks for everybody jumping into reply
@colossal-dusk-22897 It sounds like you have a good split then, and I think it makes sense to have networking and things that are pretty static as YAML and more dynamic and/or frequently changed things as code.
You could even start with written all in Yaml and later convert them into a specific language with the call:
Copy code
pulumi convert --language python --out ./bucket-py
or whatever language you want.