Hi I am fairly new to pulumi, and just wondering h...
# typescript
Hi I am fairly new to pulumi, and just wondering how to get an env variable into a cloudwatch event lambda, here is a snippet of what i am trying to do and also my attempt, I have searched all over looking for info on this but no luck
Copy code
const scheduleHandler = async (
  event: aws.cloudwatch.EventRuleEvent
) => {
  // I want to access MY_ENV_VAR here
  // but it doesnt show up in the logs
  console.log("envs", process.env);
const lambdaEnvVars: pulumi.Input<{
  [key: string]: pulumi.Input<string>;
}> = {};

lambdaEnvVars["MY_ENV_VAR"] = "my value";
const scheduler: aws.cloudwatch.EventRuleEventSubscription =
    "cron(* * * * *)",
      environment: {
        variables: {
          MY_ENV_VAR: "my value",
for anyone else who comes across this, as a workaround i did
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name my-function \
--environment "Variables={BUCKET=my-bucket,KEY=file.txt}"
which i found from the docs https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-envvars.html
Hi there — in general this should work; I’ve written about this same thing in my book in fact, example here: https://github.com/pulumibook/examples/blob/21040fbe7b4bd2a2038567aa6195c0c41b287ead/chapter4/health-checker/index.ts#L8-L48
The URL (which happens to be a secret) gets read from Pulumi config and passed as an environment variable to the
definition, then picked up at runtime by
as you have in your example. The main difference I see is that in my example, I’m defining the callback function as its own resource and setting the environment variables on it, then passing that function to the
Thanks @miniature-musician-31262 I will check your example out later today
@miniature-musician-31262 that is exactly what i was after, thanks so much