looking to run a python file in an ecs task that h...
# aws
looking to run a python file in an ecs task that has pulumi on the requirements.txt?
I'm not sure what your question is.
I'm trying to run an ecs task that provisions infrastructure
Hey @stocky-restaurant-98004 thank you for replying!
the ecs task (fargate) would run an index.py that imports pulumi and pulumi_aws
Ahh, I see.
Why'd you choose Fargate for that use case?
(As opposed to a CodeBuild pipeline or something?)
@stocky-restaurant-98004 its part of a step function and it is provisioning cloudfront resources that could take longer than 15 mins (otherwise I'd use a docker based lambda instead of fargate)
I was unsuccessful when creating a dockerfile for the fargate task while trying to install the python libs with a reqs.txt file
was wondering if there was something I might be missing
Ahh. You'll probably want to package your deps in the image itself.
Start with the image for your language (the
image is huge and not where I'd start): https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker-containers
@stocky-restaurant-98004 what if I wanted to run a python env that did more than using the pulumi cli?
or would it still be possible to run (for example:
python index.py
in the env of an image based off of
Are you familiar with the Automation API? I think that's what you probably want: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/automation-api/ Basically, it flips the dependency on the Pulumi CLI: You can run
python index.py
and in
, you can run Pulumi commands programmatically.
(as opposed to
pulumi up
, which then will find and run
as a Pulumi program)
correct, I would like to run a python file that imports pulumi, pulumi_aws, and utilizes create_pulumi_program
I'll try that out, thank you so much @stocky-restaurant-98004
@stocky-restaurant-98004 would this be possible w/o setting a pulumi_access_token?
so far I only set the PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE when running
Copy code
I think a token is more appropriate. I'm not sure whether it's possible without setting a token.
what if I use an s3 backend and don't have a token? I am still running into the same error on the fargate task about
PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN must be set for login during non-interactive CLI sessions