I have a weird IAM issue where I receive: ```xyz i...
# aws
I have a weird IAM issue where I receive:
Copy code
xyz is not authorized to perform: lambda:GetEventSourceMapping on resource: * because no identity-based policy allows the lambda:GetEventSourceMapping action"
But, my user clearly has these permissions (check sshot). Will all of the Cloudtrail debugging (the above message is from it) and trying different things, I still didn't manage to find what is running this and why wildcard is being used. I'm at a point where I'll just put
Resource: *
but still, just in case, I decided to ask if anybody had a similar experience.
@gifted-student-18589 that resource looks odd, shouldn't the resource be a lambda function?
sry on a call, will respond in 15-30mins
from what I can see - no
message has been deleted
message has been deleted
in the end, I put
, already spent a lot of time on this 😅 we'll see later if it poses an issue 🙂
definitely helps, thank you @purple-market-1813! 🙂