Anyone have tips for setting up Pulumi for configu...
# getting-started
Anyone have tips for setting up Pulumi for configuring roles and resources in Snowflake? I’d prefer not to create an AWS account other than the managed account under Snowflake Also, I keep running into an error when setting up my project where grpcio can’t install because the wheels are missing. Is this because I skipped the step of setting up AWS?
Regarding the grpc install problem, only 3 weeks ago did the grpc team add build support for Apple M1. We are following up to get this integrated into our Pulumi Python SDK.
According the last comment, the correct native support will be released Dec 27.
Thank you! Somehow I managed to get it working on my M1 machine. So… there is a way to get it to work but I don’t know how to replicate it
Most likely because you used a Rosetta session which emulates Intel architecture. I’m not yet on ARM architecture myself, but I heard this from one of my colleagues. When we can integrate proper native support, all this will not be needed anymore.