Hi! I'm on day 1 of pulumi. I'm following the <Get...
# getting-started
Hi! I'm on day 1 of pulumi. I'm following the Get Started guide here but getting an error during "pulumi up":
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  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (pulumi-storage-dev):
    error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 82

    Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Program run without the Pulumi engine available; re-run using the `pulumi` CLI
       at Pulumi.Deployment..ctor(RunnerOptions runnerOptions)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.<>c.<RunAsync>b__110_0()
       at Pulumi.Deployment.CreateRunnerAndRunAsync(Func`1 deploymentFactory, Func`2 runAsync)
       at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in C:\Users\randy\source\repos\pulumi-storage\Program.cs:line 7
       at Program.<Main>(String[] args)
wild stab in the dark, do you have a firewall or other corporate security software on your machine?
no, i dont have other connectivity issues
the pulumi CLI starts the engine on a localhost port to communicate with it, if the CLI thinks the engine isn’t there something may be interrupting it
can you try
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pulumi up --verbose 9 --logtostderr
I do development on localhost daily
Sure. Thanks for the help, by the way.
Copy code
I0117 17:44:55.102185    2160 backend.go:494] found username for access token
I0117 17:44:55.394984    2160 backend.go:494] found username for access token
Previewing update (dev)

I0117 17:44:55.516402    2160 ignore.go:44] Explicitly ignoring and discarding error: no git repository found from /home/randy/repos/pulumi-storage/Pulumi.yaml
I0117 17:44:55.627869    2160 backend.go:494] found username for access token
I0117 17:44:55.617716    2160 backend.go:1055] Stack dev being updated to version 1
View Live: <https://app.pulumi.com/randyunger/pulumi-storage/dev/previews/4c419bf1-ea71-4c6e-9bef-d8427ed7f309>

I0117 17:44:55.696374    2160 update.go:194] *** Starting Update(preview=true) ***
I0117 17:44:55.696911    2160 plugins.go:120] gatherPluginsFromProgram(): gathering plugins from language host
                                                                                                              I0117 17:44:55.754663    2160 plugins.go:1577] GetPluginPath(language, dotnet, <nil>): found on $PATH /home/randy/.pulumi/bin/pulumi-language-dotnet
              I0117 17:44:55.755072    2160 plugin.go:182] Launching plugin 'dotnet' from '/home/randy/.pulumi/bin/pulumi-language-dotnet' with args: -root=/home/randy/repos/pulumi-storage,
                                                                                  I0117 17:44:55.823319    2160 langruntime_plugin.go:229] langhost[dotnet].GetPluginInfo() executing
                                                           I0117 17:44:55.823709    2160 langruntime_plugin.go:137] langhost[dotnet].GetRequiredPlugins(proj=pulumi-storage,pwd=/home/randy/repos/pulumi-storage,program=.) executing
                                                                                                           I0117 17:44:55.824680    2160 eventsink.go:70] eventSink::Info(<{%reset%}>running 'dotnet build -nologo .'<{%reset%}>)
     Type                 Name                Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  pulumi-storage-dev           running 'dotnet build -nologo .'
     Type                 Name                Plan     Info

     Type                 Name                Plan     Info

I0117 17:44:57.226749    2160 eventsink.go:70] eventSink::Info(<{%reset%}>  pulumi-storage -> C:\Users\randy\source\repos\     Type                 Name                Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  pulumi-storage-dev             pulumi-storage -> C:\Users\randy\source\repos\pulumi-storage\bin
I0117 17:44:57.236471    2160 eventsink.go:70] eventSink::Info(<{%reset%}>
Build succeeded.
            I0117 17:44:57.236970    2160 eventsink.go:70] eventSink::Info(<{%reset%}>    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)
            I0117 17:44:57.237286    2160 eventsink.go:70] eventSink::Info(<{%reset%}>
     Type                 Name                Plan     Info

     Type                 Name                Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  pulumi-storage-dev           'dotnet build -nologo .' completed successfully
I0117 17:44:58.285030    2160 langruntime_plugin.go:179] langhost[dotnet].GetRequiredPlugins(proj=pulumi-storage,pwd=/home/randy/repos/pulumi-storage,program=.) success: #versions=0
                                                           I0117 17:44:58.285093    2160 plugins.go:132] gatherPluginsFromProgram(): plugin dotnet <nil> () is required by language host
                                                              I0117 17:44:58.285152    2160 plugins.go:144] gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(): gathering plugins from snapshot
                                              I0117 17:44:58.285218    2160 plugins.go:181] ensurePluginsAreInstalled(): beginning
        I0117 17:44:58.339174    2160 plugins.go:1577] GetPluginPath(language, dotnet, <nil>): found on $PATH /home/randy/.pulumi/bin/pulumi-language-dotnet
                                  I0117 17:44:58.339245    2160 plugins.go:186] ensurePluginsAreInstalled(): plugin dotnet <nil> already installed
                        I0117 17:44:58.339293    2160 plugins.go:201] ensurePluginsAreInstalled(): completed
                                                                                                            I0117 17:44:58.339338    2160 plugins.go:291] computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): language host reported empty set of provider plugins, using all plugins
              I0117 17:44:58.339375    2160 plugins.go:310] computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): considering dotnet
                                                                                                               I0117 17:44:58.339416    2160 plugins.go:313] computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): skipping dotnet, not a resource provider
                                                                                                            I0117 17:44:58.339470    2160 plugins.go:347] computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): summary of default plugins:
                                                                                            I0117 17:44:58.340112    2160 deployment_executor.go:227] deploymentExecutor.Execute(...): waiting for incoming events
                                                                                        I0117 17:44:58.340173    2160 step_executor.go:389] StepExecutor worker(-2): worker coming online
                                                               I0117 17:44:58.340253    2160 step_executor.go:389] StepExecutor worker(-2): worker waiting for incoming chains
                                                    I0117 17:44:58.340191    2160 langruntime_plugin.go:189] langhost[dotn     Type                 Name                Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  pulumi-storage-dev           'dotnet build -nologo .' completed successfully
I0117 17:44:59.102440    2160 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Program run without the Pulumi engine available; re-run using the `pulumi` CLI
            I0117 17:44:59.102545    2160 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>   at Pulumi.Deployment..ctor(RunnerOptions runnerOptions)
            I0117 17:44:59.102571    2160 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>   at Pulumi.Deployment.<>c.<RunAsync>b__110_0()
            I0117 17:44:59.102603    2160 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>   at Pulumi.Deployment.CreateRunnerAndRunAsync(Func`1 deploymentFactory, Func`2 runAsync)
            I0117 17:44:59.102672    2160 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>   at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in C:\Users\randy\source\repos\pulumi-storage\Program.cs:line 7
            I0117 17:44:59.102705    2160 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>   at Program.<Main>(String[] arg     Type                 Name                Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  pulumi-storage-dev              at Program.<Main>(String[] args)
I0117 17:45:00.535153    2160 langruntime_plugin.go:222] langhost[dotnet].RunPlan(pwd=/home/randy/repos/pulumi-storage,program=.,...,dryrun=true) success: progerr=Program exited with non-zero exit code: 82
                                                                                   I0117 17:45:00.535974    2160 source_eval.go:190] EvalSourceIterator ended with an error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 82
                                                                                                                         I0117 17:45:00.536032    2160 deployment_executor.go:231] deploymentExecutor.Execute(...): incoming event (nil? true, Error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 82)
                                                                          I0117 17:45:00.536068    2160 eventsink.go:86] eventSink::Error(<{%reset%}>an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 82<{%reset%}>)
                                                                                                              I0117 17:45:00.536096    2160 step_executor.go:389] StepExecutor worker(-1): StepExecutor.waitForCompletion(): waiting for worker threads to exit
           I0117 17:45:00.536147    2160 step_executor.go:389] StepExecutor worker(-2): worker exiting due to cancellation
                                                                                                                         I0117 17:45:00.536189    2160 step_executor.go:389] StepExecutor worker(-1): StepExecutor.waitForCompletion(): worker threads all exited
             I0117 17:45:00.536198    2160 deployment_executor.go:275] deploymentExecutor.Execute(...): step executor has completed
         I0117 17:45:00.536216    2160 deployment_executor.go:138] deploymentExecutor.Execute(...): exiting provider canceller
    I0117 17:45:00.536227    2160 ignore.go:44] Explicitly ignoring and discarding error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc      Type                 Name                Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  pulumi-storage-dev           1 error; 6 messages

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (pulumi-storage-dev):
    Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Program run without the Pulumi engine available; re-run using the `pulumi` CLI
       at Pulumi.Deployment..ctor(RunnerOptions runnerOptions)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.<>c.<RunAsync>b__110_0()
       at Pulumi.Deployment.CreateRunnerAndRunAsync(Func`1 deploymentFactory, Func`2 runAsync)
       at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in C:\Users\randy\source\repos\pulumi-storage\Program.cs:line 7
       at Program.<Main>(String[] args)

    error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 82
"No git repository"
that looks unrelated 😞 I don’t think I’ve seen this with the Pulumi CLI installed, I’m going to ask the devs if they have any ideas
Ok. The only oddities are I'm using WSL and I created a soft link to the dotnet executable, but those both appear to be working well otherwise.\
You're running the Windows executable from inside WSL? You could try installing the regular Linux executable directly into WSL.
Yeh I suspect there's some oddness with trying to invoke windows dotnet from wsl. That error is raised when the PULUMI_ environment variables aren't set correctly, I'd guess somehow the language host in WSL is able to trigger dotnet to run, but not correctly pass the envvars over the OS boundary.
Ok. Would be helpful to have an error message like "PULUMI_ environment variables aren't set correctly" so I wouldn't need to ask for help 😆
Also, do I need to set env vars? The instructions made it seem like if I logged in via Azure CLI then I didn't need to set the env vars
I would focus on getting the right version installed into your WSL. Symlinking to the windows version isn’t the correct path, I’d recommend removing the symlink and installing from the Linux instructions
its the dotnet executable i need to install in WSL
im using the pulumi linux install in WSL
did you install it from the apt repos?
no from vurl
Yeh try installing dotnet into WSL directly, and then
pulumi up
I expect that will fix things
will do, thanks
its just a huge install, and redundant, so i was hoping to cut corners
I recommend uninstalling it from Windows. The WSL install can access WIndows and WSL storage. ....though you should do everything in WSL. I think the storage access is still a bit faster there?