Hi all, this question is not specific to pulumi, b...
# kubernetes
Hi all, this question is not specific to pulumi, but wondering if anyone has experience exposing ssh (or another tcp service) through ingress controller? I have successfully setup exposing ssh but am running into connection issues. Is exposing ssh through ingress controller (or any non http/https service) a terrible idea? Again, not necessarily pulumi related, but wondering if any kubernetes users have input on this. Thanks much.
it largely depends on your ingress controller, most don’’t support this. you’re better off exposing the service directly
+1 to what @billowy-army-68599 said. Given the nature of SSH, I think exposing SSH directly is a better approach, if that’s at all possible for you.
Now, the question of why we are talking about SSH in the context of Kubernetes and an ingress controller is another story entirely… 🤣
Is exposing ssh through ingress controller (or any non http/https service) a terrible idea?
Yes. You're probably going to have a bad time doing this with ingress controllers specifically. If you're interested in implementing a pattern similar to this, look into configuring envoy in Istio.