I’m not sure I understand what ComponentResource’s...
# getting-started
I’m not sure I understand what ComponentResource’s offer that
{ parent: xyz }
doesn’t already provide?
In the docs, this is what is described:
Why would you make a component resource instead of just a “simple” logical grouping that you can call and use like a generic library full of classes and functions? A component resource shows up in the Pulumi ecosystem just like any other resource. That means it has a trackable state, appears in diffs, and has a name field you can reference that refers to the entire grouping.
However, all three things don’t seem all that meaningful: 1. trackable state - in this thread on github, a pulumi contributor says “but state for component resources is basically meaningless anyway” 2. appears in diffs - if state on a component resource is meaningless, then so is any diff 3. a name field you can use to reference the entire grouping - you can also do this if you have a root component in the hierarchy you create inside a function via
So that github issue is coming up to 4 years old, and lots has changed since then. The idea of a component resource is that yes, you can group these resources together, but then you can share that component as part of an SDK/library with other users (think TF modules) and can even generate the SDKs in other languages should you choose. Parent simply groups the resources in the UI
Parent also allows inheritance through opts.providers
That’s true, and a great feature for doing multi-regional deployments. Especially since before I started using it, I had forgot to add the
opt to some of the child resources now if only there were also a way to avoid having to put
{ parent: this }
on every component in the constructor
That's a problem that can be solved by your preferred programming language 🙂 I have a private property or method in every component resource class that sorts this for me.
do you mean there’s a way in typescript to avoid passing a third parameter? I’m all 👂 ’s! I do keep forgetting to add
{ parent: this }
in the constructor 🙁
I’m trying to implement this but struggling with the typescript errors to be used like
this.addResource('role', aws.iam.Role, { … })
Copy code
private addResource<T extends pulumi.Resource>(
    name: string,
    Resource: T,
    args: ConstructorParameters<T>[1]
  ) {
    return new Resource(`${this.name}-${name}`, args, { parent: this })
got it kind of working but
is very loosely typed, could probably fix it if I new how to use
Copy code
private addResource<T extends new (...args: any) => any>(
    name: string,
    Resource: T,
    args: ConstructorParameters<T>[1]
  ) {
    return new Resource(`${this.name}-${name}`, args, { parent: this })
You might want to add a long time to manage the 3rd parameter? Using a factory method like this is good, though you will want to be able to ignore it occasionally since
won't always be the parent. We just have it as a coding convention that's on our code review checklist for Pulumi code.