This is mostly my fault, but it seems worth mentio...
# azure
This is mostly my fault, but it seems worth mentioning - at a minimum to set my expectations, and it could be a bug. I created an Azure WebApp that was intended to be an Azure Function. I did the pulumi up, and from pulumi's POV, everything looked right. However, in the Azure portal, it just showed as a regular "app service". Checking my code, I see that I forgot to set the "Kind" property to "FunctionApp" (sort of a big deal - I know). So I added the property, and pulumi preview said it would update based on that property change. However, when I ran "pulumi up," though it thinks it succeeded, the portal still shows it as an "app service." And the template shows that the value of "kind" is "app." FYI.
That does sound like a bug. Would you be able to file it with a small code sample?
Here's the "pulumi up" output. Notice that it expects to update based on
- that property added to the app service.
I post that extra detail to double check... You're saying that azure+pulumi should be able to change the type of an app service from "app" to "functionapp" -OR- that pulumi should be smart enough to realize that the thing it created can't be "updated in place," so it needs to delete that one and create a new one? I just want to verify that before looking at creating a bug. If the answer is "Yes, that should work," then if you can point me to the right place to create a bug, I can do that. It won't be a full working example - I don't have time for that. But I can post the source file and point out the 1 line change which I made that caused the observed behavior. Thanks.
I don’t know off-hand if in-place changes of the “kind” are possible in Azure apps, but either way, Pulumi should either successfully update in-place, or replace the app service. In any case, whatever the preview says should then actually happen. For the bug, it’s if you use the native provider or if you use the classic/bridged provider. Thank you!