Hello! I am having issues deploying a MySQL conta...
# getting-started
Hello! I am having issues deploying a MySQL container on ECS with EFS. I am running into an issue where either the ECS Task can't pull the image from Docker or it cannot find the EFS. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Maybe I am missing something. I attached my code as a reply to prevent chat hogging.
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const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc(name + "-vpc", {
    cidrBlock: "",
  const securityGroup = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup(name + "-sg", {
    vpcId: vpc.vpcId,
    egress: [
        fromPort: 0,
        toPort: 0,
        protocol: "-1",
        cidrBlocks: [""],
        ipv6CidrBlocks: ["::/0"],
  const cluster = new aws.ecs.Cluster(name + "-cluster", {});

  const fileSystem = new aws.efs.FileSystem(
    name + "-efs",
      encrypted: true,
      dependsOn: cluster,

  const mountTargets = vpc.subnets.apply((subNets) =>
      (vpc_subnet, i) => {
        const subnet = new aws.ec2.Subnet(name + "sb" + i, {
          vpcId: vpc.vpcId,
          availabilityZone: vpc_subnet.availabilityZone,
          cidrBlock: "",
        return new aws.efs.MountTarget(`${name}-mt${i}`, {
          fileSystemId: fileSystem.id,
          securityGroups: [securityGroup.id, vpc.vpc.defaultSecurityGroupId],
          subnetId: subnet.id,
        dependsOn: fileSystem,

  const service = new awsx.ecs.FargateService(
    name + "-service",
      cluster: cluster.arn,
      networkConfiguration: {
        subnets: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
        securityGroups: [securityGroup.id, vpc.vpc.defaultSecurityGroupId],
      desiredCount: 1,
      taskDefinitionArgs: {
        container: {
          image: "mysql:8",
          essential: true,
          mountPoints: [
              sourceVolume: "mysql",
              containerPath: "/var/lib/mysql",
              readOnly: false,
        volumes: [
            name: "mysql",
            efsVolumeConfiguration: {
              fileSystemId: fileSystem.id,
              transitEncryption: "ENABLED",
      dependsOn: mountTargets,

  return {
    service_id: service.service.id,