Hi guys. Ok. So I’ve created my RDS database with ...
# getting-started
Hi guys. Ok. So I’ve created my RDS database with pulumi using this:
Copy code
// Create an RDS instance using PostgreSQL
const postgresRdsInstance = new aws.rds.Instance("braindripdb", {
  engine: "postgres",
  engineVersion: "15.3",
  instanceClass: "db.t3.micro",
  allocatedStorage: 20,
  name: "braindripdb",
  username: "pgdbuser",
  password: "pgdbuser123",
  vpcSecurityGroupIds: [rdsSecurityGroup.id],
  publiclyAccessible: true,
  skipFinalSnapshot: true,
  applyImmediately: true,

// Export the RDS instance's endpoint
export const rdsInstanceEndpoint = postgresRdsInstance.endpoint;
But I’m thinking I’ve just put my username and pwd in my index.ts file which goes into my github for all to see. Surely, there’s a better way that does not involve me putting my DB username and password in plain text? How do you guys do it?
Cool thx! Just what I needed. Thank you.