I' new with pulumi. Will be glad to any assistance...
# getting-started
I' new with pulumi. Will be glad to any assistance. I created project but I cannot bring it up key value pair exists and located in mentioned place; And still pulumi raise on it error Where i mistakes?
@clever-forest-58332 that’s not a valid key for the aws provider, what are you trying to do?
I try to create aws ec2 insatnce I try to provide predefined key-value pair stored in aws console
Ok, understand, just removed this key
Now I have another issue:
Copy code
creating EC2 Instance: InvalidAMIID.NotFound: The image id '[ami-0136ddddd07f0584f]' does not exist
    	status code: 400, request id: 4fe4d7f0-a41f-4da1-83da-fedbcef441c0
This ami definitely exists, why pulumi not found it?
which region is that AMI in?