Hi I am new to Pulumi. I am looking for way to loa...
# getting-started
Hi I am new to Pulumi. I am looking for way to load a config value from the command line at run time, in my case it's my gcp project id, something like
pulumi up --config key:value
, if something like this exists. For now i am just loading an env variable in my python script, but i get this warning
Copy code
warning: unable to detect a global setting for GCP Project;
    Pulumi will rely on per-resource settings for this operation.
    Set the GCP Project by using:
    	`pulumi config set gcp:project <project>`
What's the best way to do this?
Take a look at
and the
function to retrieve values from a stack configuration: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/python/pulumi/#configuration-and-metadata-1