Hi Everyone! I'm very new to Pulumi, and trying to...
# getting-started
Hi Everyone! I'm very new to Pulumi, and trying to get Google Cloud Function GraphQL function in place. I've followed one of the pulumi tutorial videos from 2020, but I'm getting an error when I run "pulumi up" - "Runtime nodejs8 is no longer allowed". The version of node I'm running locally is v20.6.1 - anyone have a pointer to some doc that might help me out on this?
How did you create your Pulumi project?
pulumi new gcp-typescript
, or some other means?
I actually don't recall 😞 I just rewatched the video here - and it looks like in that video the project was already setup. Maybe I should try setting up a new project as instructed above?
You probably cloned down that repo (or at least downloaded a tarball or such). Looks like you’ll need to update
to reference a new version of Node (if you haven’t done that already).
You’ll also need to update the versions of
. I’m not familiar with GraphQL so I don’t know if there are other dependencies that need to be updated.
Maybe start a new project with
pulumi new gcp-typescript
so that you have an up-to-date
and then graft in the code from the GitHub repo?
I will give that a try - thanks @salmon-account-74572!
No problem, let us know how you get along.
No joy yet - it looks like pumuli is specifying node v8 when creating the cloud function - is there some way to override that? [urn=urnpulumidev:quickstartpulumipulumiStack:quickstart-dev] + gcpcloudfunctions/functionFunction: (create) [urn=urnpulumidev:quickstartgcpcloudfunctions:CallbackFunction$gcpcloudfunctions/functionFunction::apiFunction] [provider=urnpulumidev:quickstartpulumiprovidersgcpdefault 6 65 0:b3271388-9c9b-4d5b-b46d-bdb7c9c92ade] availableMemoryMb : 256 entryPoint : "handler" ingressSettings : "ALLOW_ALL" name : "apiFunction-4dee5ab" runtime : "nodejs8" sourceArchiveBucket: "apifunction-ddccc23" sourceArchiveObject: "apiFunction-f1a352f" timeout : 60 triggerHttp : true
Hmm…I’m not familiar with GCP Cloud Functions but let me do some digging and see what I can figure out.
Much appreciated @salmon-account-74572 - I suspect this is something really basic since I'm so new at this.