Hi all. I using Pulumi with the Go SDK and try to ...
# getting-started
Hi all. I using Pulumi with the Go SDK and try to understand how I can exactly use dependsOn. I am creating subnets in AWS and then want to use some of those to create a TGW attachment. For the latter, I need SubnetIds, which is an array of StringArrayInput. My problem is, the subnet resource only provides an ID of type pulumi.IDOutput. There's no straightforward way to convert this to a string right? What should I be using/doing instead here?
Ok, I figured it out myself. So,for anyone that might run in a similar problem: When creating a subnet, the resulting ID you get from subnet.ID() is a pulumi.IDOutput The SubnetIds necessary for the TGW attachment arguments are a pulumi.StringArrayInput I now found a helper function that does just this conversion:
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func IDOutputArrayToPulumiStringArrayOutput(IDoutputArray []pulumi.IDOutput) pulumi.StringArrayOutput {
	var outputs []interface{}
	for _, a := range IDoutputArray {
		outputs = append(outputs, a)
	return pulumi.All(outputs...).ApplyT(func(vs []interface{}) []string {
		var results []string
		for _, v := range vs {
			results = append(results, string(v.(pulumi.ID)))
		return results
If theres a pulumi native way to handle these situations, that would be great to know
Unfortunately, type conversions in Go are tedious by nature. We have some helpers in the SDK, like
func ToStringArrayOutput(in []StringOutput)
but they don’t cover all cases. Here’s a deeper discussion if you’re interested.
I’m using this approach, which seems to work fine (
is a count of how many AZs are in the specified region):
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// Create private subnets in the VPC
privSubnetIds := make([]pulumi.StringInput, numOfAZs)
for idx := 0; idx < numOfAZs; idx++ {
	subnetAddr := (idx * 32) + 16
	subnetCidrBlock := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d.0/22", netAddrMap[awsRegion], subnetAddr)
	subnet, err := ec2.NewSubnet(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("priv-subnet-%d", idx), &ec2.SubnetArgs{
		VpcId:               vpc.ID(),
		AvailabilityZone:    pulumi.String(azNames[idx]),
		CidrBlock:           pulumi.String(subnetCidrBlock),
		MapPublicIpOnLaunch: pulumi.Bool(false),
		Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
			"Name":    pulumi.Sprintf("%s-priv-%d", baseName, idx),
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("error creating private subnet: %s", err.Error())
	privSubnetIds[idx] = subnet.ID()
You can then use
where you need a list of subnet IDs, or you can specify a specific subnet using
to pull out a specific subnet ID.
Thank you Scott, I will try and see if this works for me. Because your code also calculates the subnets, which our Terraform stack did with its own function before. Until now, I just resented to declaring the subnets explicitly in the config (which is fine), but creating them dynamically leads to less repetition
I’ve been looking for a better/smarter/more resilient way to handle the subnet calculations, but I haven’t gotten there yet. (BTW, I don’t use AWSX because I need a tad more flexibility than the high-level VPC component offers. However, it’s very useful for the vast majority of straightforward implementations.)
update on this: I spent the day and wrote my own Go implementation of the Terraform cidrsubnet function. Works just the same, takes a CIDR, number of additional bits and index of the subnet in the available range and returns it. Added unittests, so now I have a robust way of doing what I could before :)
Sweet! Have you published that code anywhere? 🙂
Since I worked on this during company hours and for my company, I am unsure if am allowed to share it (even if it's completely generic and has of course no reference to anything from my company). I will check that tomorrow and will get back to you! Would be happy to share if possible, to give something back to the community
Totally understand, no worries at all!