How can I attach to a pre-existing IAM role furthe...
# getting-started
How can I attach to a pre-existing IAM role further policies (some need to reference specific ARNs or Buckets/resources) which are created in Pulumi? I thought about using Jinja2 but this gets a bick mess with apply/and Output[T]
can't you just create additional iam policies + rolePolicyAttachments ?
Good point. The existing ones in fact are already managed by pulumi - so I guess adding more is how to properly get the Output[T] dependent policy Json to populate based on previously/upstream pulumi created roles
@billowy-army-68599 you mentioned that you have a lot of regular #aws knowledge - may I ask you for help on this one around outputs? It is about the databricks topic: for an IAM role that pulumi is creating I want to
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from pulumi_aws_native import iam, s3

my_bucket = s3.Bucket("my_bucket")

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "{{ role_arn }}"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:s3:::{{ bucket_name }}",
                "arn:aws:s3:::{{ bucket_name }}/*"
1. attach the following policy (I am already doing this) 2. attach a 2nd inline policy to the pulumi managed role to give S3 access to this particular bucket I am currently exploring Jinja and the JSON templates - but this is somehow getting stuck in apply/Output[T] hell for me.
this is a common apply problem, it’s detailed in this doc here:
i would highly recommend reading that doc in its entirety and this blog post as well
I read the docs already and am still stuck. Let me read the blog post. If it is OK for you I would send you a gist afterwards if I am still stuck
if you want to share the s3 bucket and the policy you’d like to attach, I can fix it for you
Many thanks! Here you go: If it is easier I can also set a Zoom link. Many thanks for offering to take a look.
You really don’t need to mess around with jinja templates
I would love not to. I am all ears for a better way. How?
give me a few hours and I’ll put a full example together
many thanks
I was able to feed:
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  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
        "arn:aws:s3:::{{ bucket_name }}",
        "arn:aws:s3:::{{ bucket_name }}/*"
I still am very curious to learn how it works in a better way. However, ideally, I can also figure out how: cannot create mws workspaces: MALFORMED_REQUEST: Failed storage configuration validation checks: List,Put,PutWithBucketOwnerFullControl,Delete is fixed. I had hoped that feeding the policy would solve this as well.
@sparse-optician-70334 this is a full example of how to create a databricks workspace in AWS: There are helper methods in the databricks provider that ease the creation of the bucket policy and cross account role. I am happy to update the example with explicit examples for how to create these yourself if you wish, but copying this code should get you up and running with databricks. Note: the AWS VPC will cost money because it provisions a NAT Gateway
I will check this out in detail tomorrow
Do I read correctly that in principle databricks.get_aws_bucket_policy(bucket=root_bucket.bucket) is the missing piece?
that creates a polict document to attach to an S3 bucket, yes
The wrapper:
assume_role_policy = databricks.get_aws_assume_role_policy(external_id=account_id)
is super convenient. In other cases where not available, would you still suggest to not drop back to jinja? how would an approach look like there?
Adding the policy on the bucket with the function instead of giving the user permission with the policy seems to solve the issue - many thanks
However, when trying to add an user pulumi fails with: * cannot create user: HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL for user = User('user', user_name = '', active = True, allow_cluster_create = True, opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[workspace]), )
Can it be that the
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is the wrong URL here? I.e. that the workspace would be required instead? But this would not make sense as this is an account-level operation
I unfortunately need to move my focus into another customers issues, generally this level of support is reserved for enterprise customers.
may I ask one more question? @billowy-army-68599 In your code you have:
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cross_account_role_policy = databricks.get_aws_cross_account_policy()
cross_account_role_policy_applied = aws.iam.RolePolicy(

creds = databricks.MwsCredentials(
But for me even with:
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        depends_on=[iam_role, cross_account_role_policy_applied]
specified this fails with an not yet initialized underlying IAM role. This seems to be semi-reproducible and depend on race conditions based on how quickly certain resources create. I find it strange that the dependencies defined here are not honoured. It is fixed when running pulumi up a 2nd time.
hmm that looks like a bug in the databricks side, it isn’t waiting for the value. You could use an apply to wait for it to exist, but that’s quite an advanced use case
Could you share a snippet how this would look like?
do you mean to
_ x: x)
i.e. force wait for the dependency to be initiated?
yes, inside the
you can sleep for 30s
Instead of sleeping an arbitrary amount - is it possible to wait explicitly only as long as required for the resource to be come defined? i.e. block the execution flow but not unnecessarily / arbitrarily long?