hello team, I am new to pulumi. I not able found l...
# getting-started
hello team, I am new to pulumi. I not able found linode-java template when i run pulumi new command. Anyone can give me some hints on this.
You can just do
pulumi new java
and then add a reference to the Linode Java SDK
pulumi new $LANGUAGE
will give you an empty project in
This package is available in many languages in the standard packaging formats but i dont see any java package available?https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-linode
i dont see any java package sdk
The docs are (very) out of date. I will file an issue. The package exists: https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/com.pulumi/linode
I filed an issue for you here. My apologies for the oversight in the docs. You can search Maven Central if you see other packages that have outdated docs in the future. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-linode/issues/389
Thanks, i have managed to setup the package with Java SDK linode on pulumi java maven project