Hi, I don't know this is a getting started questio...
# getting-started
Hi, I don't know this is a getting started question, but I'm having trouble running my
pulumi up
command on a GithubAction during my CI/CD pipeline. I'm using Nuke to orchestrate the CI, and locally I can run all ok, but on GitHub I have this error. I've already double check the PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN, but I think is something related to the donte SDK versions. I'm using the .NET8 rc2, is this a problem?
You'll need to install .NET 8.0 in your workflow. Looks like the GH Actions runner doesn't install that version by default based on the list of versions it printed.
In case you didn't know, you can use https://github.com/actions/setup-dotnet in your workflow to conveniently install a version you need.
I'm using Nuke build, so it install the needed SDK in the beginning
but i'll explore that