Hi folks, apologies if this is a stupid question....
# getting-started
Hi folks, apologies if this is a stupid question. I’m trying to create a self service developer portal across 2 clouds (azure and gcp) but hitting issues with the backstage-pulumi plugin (can describe that in another thread). My key question is why Pulumi itself isnt deemed a Enterprise grade Developer self service portal. This image is on the website - but not clear if its a different pulumi product to the dashboard. Also why does the Backstage Pulumi plugin exits then?
the pulumi developer portal exists in pulumi cloud
Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 19.40.37.png
@billowy-army-68599 is this what you referring too? Is it truly a developer self service portal? If yes - then why does the backstage plugin exist?
the new project wizard is the developer portal functionality. but I think this is valid feedback
would u mind explaining why the backstage plugin is promoted then?
primarily because lots of folks have already used and implemented backstage for other developer portal purposes, and want to be able to integrate pulumi into that workflow
ok i understand. many thanks @billowy-army-68599
whats the best channnel to get help with the backstage - pulumi plugin
i think a new thread in this channel is fine