Are there good use-case documentations for pulumi?...
# getting-started
Are there good use-case documentations for pulumi? In my lab, because I'm using multiple machines with pulumi, i'm having to re-import frequently because other machines are being used to modify my k8s cluster. Is that normal?
No. If you share state (and you should), then this is not normal.
If you have separate state files on each machine, then it is expected, but wrong.
So how do I share state between two separate machines?
You could use the Pulumi app, or a cloud backend like S3.
sorry, how do I get the state files out?
they're not stored in my source dir along w/ my other python if i'm not mistaken
Depends on where you store them. What are your parameters to
pulumi login
, and what is the content of the
property in your project YAML file?
No backend specified
Copy code
/usr/bin/pulumi login --local
This is all managing my local k8s cluster , that's running k3s.
If you haven't configured the backend in your project file, it'll be in your home directory. Not sure what it'll be called though. Maybe ~/.pulumi/workspaces/project-name-hash/state.json, or similar? Someone else might know, I don't use local backend, sorry.
no bigs. but it sounds like the most frequent usecase isn't local
Yes, local is ok for practice and investigation, but it's not a good idea for anything production-like. You'd have to manage your own version control, locking, backups, etc.
And of course, you can't deploy from anywhere else without importing over and over again...
luckily importing is quick for what i'm playing with, but also good to know it only works w/ gcp/aws/az
What does? Shared backends? There are other places to store them. The Pulumi cloud service being the most notable. But also, a shared drive that's properly backed up can work, if you're careful.
trying to keep it all in house per se.
but yeah, if i have money to pay for a production level k8s cluster in the real world, I can pay for pulumi cloud
Pulumi service is very cheap when you have a small number of resources. And of course, you can use S3 or similar.
@important-energy-56546 have a look at MinIO which offers an S3 compatible API that works with Pulumi. You can deploy that within your own network to share your state files.